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Can Dental Implants Provide a Longer Life?

September 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — deandentalcare @ 12:48 pm
An older woman smiling with her dental implants

If you were to make a list of all the things that are essential for a long and happy life, good teeth might be somewhere down the list. Studies published in the National Library of Medicine indicate that the longest-lived people have the best oral health. So, can dental implants actually help you live longer?

If you want to know how dental implants, and dental health in general can help you slow the sands of time, continue reading.

What are Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth or multiple teeth, the best thing you can do is replace them. Dental implants are the best replacement option available. Not only will they bond with your jawbone after implantation, but they’ll also stop your jawbone from deteriorating.

The implant is made up of three parts that work together to form a sturdy prosthetic for missing teeth:

  • The Post – This is a titanium post that is surgically implanted into your jawbone. This creates an artificial “root” that holds the rest of the implant in place.
  • The Abutment – This is a connecting piece that holds onto the post and is eventually fitted with the crown prosthetic. The abutment ensures that even if a crown is damaged, a new one can be reattached.
  • The Crown – A crown is a prosthetic tooth made of ceramic material that sits on top of the abutment. It is specially designed to blend into your smile, providing aesthetics and function.

How Do Dental Implants Help You Live Longer?

While an implant isn’t a magic pill that gives you a longer life, it can improve the condition of your mouth and your quality of life, making a significant impact on your longevity. Here are some ways a dental implant can improve your oral health:

Enhanced Nutrition

With missing teeth, it can be challenging to eat a balanced diet as some very healthy foods become harder to chew. Dental implants function like your natural teeth, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods. This can improve your nutrition, contributing to better overall health and longevity.

Boosted Self-Esteem

Aesthetic improvements are a well-known benefit of dental implants. They look and feel like your real teeth, restoring your confidence. When you feel good about yourself, you become more active and social. This often translates to better mental and emotional well-being and, in some cases, a longer life.

Preventing Oral Health Complications

Tooth loss can lead to several oral health problems, such as gum disease and further tooth loss. Dental implants help avoid these complications, reducing the risk of infection or inflammation that could affect your overall health.

Reduced Risk of Systemic Health Issues

Many studies have suggested a connection between oral health and the condition of the rest of your body. The bacteria in plaque has been linked with heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s.

Your body’s systems are intrinsically linked together. Neglecting one will have consequences for the others. If you think dental implants might be right for you, talk to your dentist and schedule an appointment.

About the Author

Dr. Stephen Dean is a professional and highly skilled dentist with a lifelong passion for people. His favorite thing about practicing dentistry is seeing his patients smile with confidence and vigor. Dr. Dean graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina and has since continued his education through prestigious institutions like the Dawson Academy and the Pankey Institute. To schedule an appointment at Dean Dental Care, call (770) 786-3915 or visit the website to explore their services.

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